Monday, March 14, 2016

Hey Bunny, Whats the Skinny?

This will post will be a review on a product I have been using for the past month.
The product is called Skinny Bunny Tea.

From @skinnybunnytea on Instagram
I first found out about this tea from a friend. We were over at his house and Travis noticed some tea on the counter. He asked about it because he knows I was going through a tea phase. Now, what caught his attention was the kind of tea it was. Turns out it was a Weight Loss Tea and he knows I often can feel self continuous about myself, even though I shouldn't.
Our friend said his wife had started it and she had lost a few pounds by mostly just drinking the tea. She didn't work out much but ate healthy, so the combination seemed to be working for her.
The concept seemed awesome to me. Its just tea...not some pills you have to take or anything like that. And tea has great benefits for you if they are drank on a regular basis so it sounded good to me!

I did some research and found out there are 2 kinds you drink. There is an AM tea & a PM tea. One thing I don't like is the flavor selection. It's very limited, They currently have Chocolate, Mint & just barely came out with Green Tea Jasmine for the AM line. The PM is just Citrus Vanilla or Tropical Chamomile Detox. The flavors and kinds of tea seem kind of all over the place as well. When I look up stuff I see flavors that are not available. But it seems like they are working on it.

The tea comes in either a 14 day cans or 28 day cans. The 14 day cans were $15 each and the 28 day were $30. Even though the 28 day is more expensive, I felt it was smarter to go with that one.

Luckily, it was valentines day so they had a deal running. You got a 28 day can of Chocolate AM, a 28 day can of limited edition Rose PM, food guides and workout plans, and as a bonus you could choose from a waterbottle, socks, or a 14 day can of Tropical Chamomile Detox tea. All for 30 bucks! Now the Chocolate flavor and rose did not sound good to me but what the hell! It's a great deal. So I got that bundle. The flavors were not as bad as I thought. It just tastes like tea with a hint of that flavor. It's not over powering or anything. I can admit, The Detox Tropical Chamomile smelt awful to me because I don't like Tropical anything. But it ended up being my favorite of the 3 I got.

It seemed like it did take a long time to get delivered but they are a small company so shipping times can vary depending in the volume of orders coming in. I totally understood that. Oh did I mention shipping was free? Yep!


The day came...I knew it had been delivered and I was so stoked to go check the mail....but it wasn't there...where was my tea?!

Turns out, for some odd reason, the mail lady put it in the neighbors box and he brought it down to us. Thanks neighbor!!!

So it began! It was strange having tea instead of having coffee in the morning. I am the Iced coffee with a shot of espresso every morning kind of girl and energy drinks at least 2-3 times a week. I know! I know! Its bad for you. So the first couple days , I was having tea instead of coffee but, out of habit, I was still having an energy drink. But I stopped that nonsense!


I noticed I wasn't even
needing that kind of caffeine anymore. I had a natural energy boost that lasted all day. And there was no crash! It was so nice to be able to go to 7/11 and not even want to look at the energy drinks or even want coffee at all.

I also noticed that I was not feeling bloated and gross feeling all the time. 
After the first week, I decided to take the opportunity I had and weigh myself. I had lost 2 pounds in a week. It was probably all water weight but I was feeling better. After all that, I was sold on this stuff.

Everyday and night, I couldn't wait to drink my teas. After 28 days, I have finished the cans. Now I will admit, I didn't eat healthy at all and I didn't work out. So obviously I didn't have an amazing transformation. But, I don't care. I feel better. Ive gone almost a month with out surviving on coffee or energy drinks. I have energy through out the day. I don't ever feel bloated or bad feeling anymore. And you know what? I haven't even cared about weighing myself to see what I lost. I can feel it and I can see small differences in my body and that is what matters.

Now girls, you can relate to this. You know when you wash your jeans and you put them on, sometimes it seems like a struggle? You sit there doing squats and some weird yoga moves to stretch them out? Yesterday, I fully expected that usual routine when I put on my washed jeans. And you know what? I didn't have
to do it at all! No struggle! :)

So, after seeing the differences I've experienced this past month, I placed another order and plan on doing it over and over. This time I am getting Mint AM and Citrus Vanilla PM.
 They also shipped it super fast this time. I placed the order on the 11th and it is being delivered today. Perfect timing because I literally have one day left of my current supply. 

@skinnybunntea on Instagram
  I love this stuff and I recommend it. Its easy and healthier than some of the other stuff out there. You don't even need to buy it for weight loss. If you want to feel less bloated, buy it. If you want natural energy, buy it. 
One thing to realize is that it is normal tea. From their advertising, it seems like its only for women. Not true! Men can use it as well. I think that was a common confusion because they have started using male models as well haha. 
 Like I said before, Tea has such good benefits for you if you drink it on a daily basis. Pu-erh & Oolong Tea both promotes Skin Health, shrink fat cells and are high in Anti Oxidants. The detox tea can help reduce cellulite, boost your immune system and is also high in anti oxidants. I personally was not sure when to drink the detox, so I messaged them on Instagram. They said that the detox is a PM tea, so you can bounce back and forth between the Weight Loss PM and Detox if you would like. Or even just use the Detox as your PM tea.

 Go to to check it out! 

Thanks for reading!!! <3

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