Chapter 6 - December - A Very Vegas Christmas
Christmas was the best I could have ever asked for. My brother in law
planned it out for our family to get together for Christmas in Vegas and
surprise my sister. Unfortunately, Travis had to work Christmas and
couldn't get work off...we were both super sad that we would not be able
to spend Christmas together. It would be our first Christmas in 6 years that we weren't spending it with one another.
My brother and I rented a car and drove down together. We got in late, so we went to bed , but I made sure I got up around the time my sister was getting up to surprise her. I went down stairs and watched TV with my mom, when all of a sudden she comes around the corner and BAAM! "Whats Up?" I said all non nonchalantly. She was definitely happy! My youngest nephew, who is a TOTAL love bug, was so happy, he immediately curled up with me on the couch for a solid 5 minutes. <3

That day, happened to be the last day that the Elf on a Shelf was visiting. So, he brought a little snow to Vegas and he insisted that the whole family had a snowball fight in the living room. It was pretty fun!

After that rush of excitement, we decided we needed doughnuts. We went to this place called Pink Box Doughnuts. It was pretty good! The store needed to be bigger though...they have the register as soon as you walk in but you have to squeeze past paying people to even look at the doughnuts, then squeeze back to the register. Design flaw.

My nephew got a Chocolate frosted doughnut with Christmas sprinkles and I got a Blueberry Cronut. YUM. He decided to share his sprinkles with me because they were, and I quote, Adorbs. What a cutie.
He also would not stop holding my hand from the time we got to the store to home. He even held it in the car. Haha
That night, we watched Christmas Vacation and then the kids went to bed so that Santa could visit.
I helped my sister wrap presents and at one point, one of the "Santa" presents got wrapped incorrectly. So, I carefully unwrapped the wrong present and re wrapped the correct "Santa" present.
Now let's rewind a little bit, I had been enjoying a couple adult beverages, so by this point, my wrapping was not quite up to ELF status. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I came back I was sniffing my nose a lot because my nose was stuffy. My sister asked me jokingly if I had just gone and enjoyed a little white substance because I was sniffing. I laughed and said "Oh yeah, sorry, I have a problem."
Now that you know the back story, lets continue with the Non ELF approved wrapping. I was finally finished wrapping one end of the present, but when I flipped it over to wrapped the other end.....well....I couldn't because I didn't "measure" accordingly.
When that happened, we blamed it on my "white substance" problem...and it only progressed from there. I came up with a little story that I was Misfit Elf called Powder who had a little problem and couldn't quite keep up with the other elves. Santa only kept me around because he felt bad for me.
This had my sister and I completely rolling around on the floor, unable to breathe, and in pain from laughing so hard!
I now want to get a Santa hat with Powder the Elf embroidered on it as an inside joke. Maybe even have Travis draw up a cute little cute cartoon of Powder the Elf :D

Now that Powder the Elf had done her job for the night, it was time to go to bed and let Dallas the dog stay up to protect the presents until Christmas morning.

And Santa had come!
We all got up and opened presents.
The kids made a haul!
I also got a cute coffee mug from my sister as well as a a little pink poodle ornament that represents "Oy with the poodles already!" from Gilmore Girls. She got a matching white one.
I made my sisters present. She is a huge Gilmore fan as well. Basically, she is the Loralai to my Rory.
So, I had these cool pins made for me at work and decided that it would be an awesome idea to make matching shadow boxes, using pictures of us, the Gilmore pins I had, and incorporating little stickers that have to do with the show. Coffee, donuts, a yellow daisy, dragonfly and snowflakes. (If you know the show, you would get it)
You're probably wondering if she liked it?
Good news, she LOVED it!

After breakfast, we went to go open presents again. Holy crap there were so many presents!
As you can clearly see to the right <<<===>>>
All of the guys in the family got nerf guns, including Travis who was not there with us. It was super nice of them to include him in everything even though he was not there. :D
Nerf guns only mean one thing though. Yep! NERF GUN FIGHT!
It was pretty awesome! I enjoyed myself very much :D
After everyone went home, it was time to sit back and relax.
Later that afternoon, we were sitting in the kitchen talking and the door bell rang. Everyone told me to go get the door. I was in a semi bummy mood and did not want to get up. Why couldn't the kids get the door, they were all closer than me, right? I got up and went to get the door.
When I opened it, there was a guy dressed in a Santa hat with a
beard. He said that he was going door to door sampling Candy Cane Kisses
and held out his hand with 2 kisses.
After all the shock and excitement, we just kind of hung out and talked. Turns out my family was in on it the whole time! The night before I was wondering why my mom was acting all weird texting in the corner. Well, this was why! He had convinced me that he couldn't get work off. He even made a fake schedule to bring home to me. What a snot!
After a couple hours of relaxing, we decided we needed to open presents. Obviously, I was out of the loop of everything, so I had it planned to open presents when I got home with him. But he brought everything that was already wrapped with him. Luckily I wrapped everything for him ahead of time.

He got me The Magnolia Story, which is about a reality couple who flip houses on a show called Fixer Upper. He even wrote a little love note in the cover for me. <3
(I got this before Christmas before I left)
The present I was suppose to open when I woke up was in this pretty box he put together with a little note that said Open Me, Santa. It was a super plush black robe, that I wanted, with kind of has Black Jaguar print.

He also gave me a Disney Loves Jazz CD (Disney songs turned Jazz) and Talking As Fast As I Can (From Gilmore Girls To Gilmore Girls) by Lauren Graham, also with a cute little love note in the cover <3
(the coffee mug is the one my sister gave me)

His presents from me: An illustrated version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, a beard trimming Kit, and a little Vintage looking pencil box with a built in ruler for him to be able to take his art supplies with him anywhere.

Now, I had one big present for him that I left home for our Christmas we were suppose to do after I got back. When he showed up, my brother mentioned to me that he brought it with us incognito. It was a Acoustic Epiphone PR-150 with a sunburst finish. So it's not something you can hide in a car, so I had no idea it was even with us the whole time. He mentioned to me earlier that he was going to bring his own guitar with him.When we were leaving he had me grab his guitar case and take it to the car...but it was really Travis' guitar! I was holding it that whole time and had no idea!
Back to present opening. So I blind folded him with my eye mask and my brother brought it downstairs with its stand and a little bow on it. He loved it! He had been wanting a new acoustic for a few months, and the first time he mentioned it, I decided then and there, that's his present. A few weeks earlier, after I bought it, he had been looking up guitars himself and funny enough pulled this one up and loved it! SCORE!
Thinking I scored big and won Christmas, he said that he had 1 more present for me....What? I thought we were done...He blind folded me and took me for a walk around the house. It was making me sick, so I said, "OK, I'm getting sick, this can't go on much longer. I hate this, where am I."
(I hate the unknown).
This whole time, I for some odd reason thought I was getting a puppy because someone said it was in the backyard and then I heard a door shut. So my mind is like," I'm going to feel something fuzzy. It's a puppy!" He finally plopped me back in front of the tree with my family and they took my blindfold off.
To my surprise, I found him down on one knee, with the ring I personally picked out weeks before, and asked me to marry him! I said no.....JUST KIDDING! Of course I said yes! I have only been waiting for this moment for while! So much better than a puppy!!! Well.....they come pretty close to each other, but this wins haha :D
The best part was, that he dressed in his normal attire, a plaid shirt and a backwards baseball cap. So at first, I was thinking, why didn't he dress nicer? That's something he would normally do....Turns out, he dressed that way specifically because of my Gilmore obsession. Luke, who is the Diner owner that Loralai ends up with dresses in plaid and has a backwards baseball cap. I always say that he is my Luke. So, its only totally romantic in my eyes right?! Gah, my heart!
Driving down for Christmas was not the only thing planned by my family and him. The proposal was included in all of that! And they all managed to keep it a secret for a whole month!

(Fun Fact: He had already asked my dad permission when we were in Reno visiting them in June. It got brought up when we were in Virginia City's Silver Queen Hotel's little Chapel)
I have to give props to him, because he can never really keep anything from me and he (with the help of my family) planned this out and pulled it off! Originally, it was just suppose to be a trip to surprise my sister. But when that was brought up, it all came together in his mind and it was decided that everyone absolutely needed to go down to Vegas, not only for Christmas but for the proposal. So minus the crazy ass storm and delay, it worked out perfect!

What a Christmas! Best Christmas present I could have ever asked for and a great story to go with it.
We ended the night with a celebratory drink and lit a fire. We eventually congrigated into 2 groups, Boys outside at the fire and Girls gabbing in the kitchen. It was kind of perfect.
The next day, Myself, Travis,my sister, my brother in law, brother and the 2 oldest kids went to get pizza at this place that my brother had been raving about from Chicago. Gerardo's. It was pretty good! Original deep dish pizza. And Vegas is the 1st place for a location outside of Chicago. Crazy huh?

When we got home, we played a game of Pie Face with the kids! And we actually got my mom to participate, that's not common! She was lucky and did not get the pie in the face. I got it once and then my brother in law and Travis went head to head. It was pretty awesome.
Later that night, my brother left and headed back to Salt Lake because he had work the next morning.
We decided to stay 1 more night and leave in the morning since I was off and he didn't have work till 3PM.

We needed one last HURAH! before we left Vegas. So the 4 of us went to the Red Rock Casino, which is more of a locals casino, and went to play BINGO! I love Bingo. And I legit almost won! GRRR

The next morning came way faster than we wanted it to and we had to leave. We literally did not want to get out of bed so our plan to leave at 6 AM turned into 9 AM haha. But we made it home safely and the the weather was perfect!
2016 could not have ended any better. Thanks for a great year babe, and here's to a new one starting our lives together!
<3 <3 <3

My brother and I rented a car and drove down together. We got in late, so we went to bed , but I made sure I got up around the time my sister was getting up to surprise her. I went down stairs and watched TV with my mom, when all of a sudden she comes around the corner and BAAM! "Whats Up?" I said all non nonchalantly. She was definitely happy! My youngest nephew, who is a TOTAL love bug, was so happy, he immediately curled up with me on the couch for a solid 5 minutes. <3

That day, happened to be the last day that the Elf on a Shelf was visiting. So, he brought a little snow to Vegas and he insisted that the whole family had a snowball fight in the living room. It was pretty fun!

After that rush of excitement, we decided we needed doughnuts. We went to this place called Pink Box Doughnuts. It was pretty good! The store needed to be bigger though...they have the register as soon as you walk in but you have to squeeze past paying people to even look at the doughnuts, then squeeze back to the register. Design flaw.

My nephew got a Chocolate frosted doughnut with Christmas sprinkles and I got a Blueberry Cronut. YUM. He decided to share his sprinkles with me because they were, and I quote, Adorbs. What a cutie.
He also would not stop holding my hand from the time we got to the store to home. He even held it in the car. Haha
I helped my sister wrap presents and at one point, one of the "Santa" presents got wrapped incorrectly. So, I carefully unwrapped the wrong present and re wrapped the correct "Santa" present.
Now let's rewind a little bit, I had been enjoying a couple adult beverages, so by this point, my wrapping was not quite up to ELF status. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I came back I was sniffing my nose a lot because my nose was stuffy. My sister asked me jokingly if I had just gone and enjoyed a little white substance because I was sniffing. I laughed and said "Oh yeah, sorry, I have a problem."

When that happened, we blamed it on my "white substance" problem...and it only progressed from there. I came up with a little story that I was Misfit Elf called Powder who had a little problem and couldn't quite keep up with the other elves. Santa only kept me around because he felt bad for me.
This had my sister and I completely rolling around on the floor, unable to breathe, and in pain from laughing so hard!
I now want to get a Santa hat with Powder the Elf embroidered on it as an inside joke. Maybe even have Travis draw up a cute little cute cartoon of Powder the Elf :D

Now that Powder the Elf had done her job for the night, it was time to go to bed and let Dallas the dog stay up to protect the presents until Christmas morning.

And Santa had come!
We all got up and opened presents.
The kids made a haul!
I also got a cute coffee mug from my sister as well as a a little pink poodle ornament that represents "Oy with the poodles already!" from Gilmore Girls. She got a matching white one.

So, I had these cool pins made for me at work and decided that it would be an awesome idea to make matching shadow boxes, using pictures of us, the Gilmore pins I had, and incorporating little stickers that have to do with the show. Coffee, donuts, a yellow daisy, dragonfly and snowflakes. (If you know the show, you would get it)
You're probably wondering if she liked it?
Good news, she LOVED it!
Once we were done opening presents, we had to start prepping for breakfast with my brother in laws family.
We made Mimosas, a crap ton of eggs, ham, cinnamon rolls and latkes. What are latkes?
Latkes are a Jewish food. Basically its a potato pancake. Just imagine hash browns a pancake haha. Then you can put either sour cream or apple sauce on top. Hell you could even mix it if you wanted to, which is common in the Jewish community, I believe. It was pretty good with the sour cream. Maybe next time I will brave the mixture!

After breakfast, we went to go open presents again. Holy crap there were so many presents!
As you can clearly see to the right <<<===>>>
All of the guys in the family got nerf guns, including Travis who was not there with us. It was super nice of them to include him in everything even though he was not there. :D
Nerf guns only mean one thing though. Yep! NERF GUN FIGHT!
It was pretty awesome! I enjoyed myself very much :D
After everyone went home, it was time to sit back and relax.
Later that afternoon, we were sitting in the kitchen talking and the door bell rang. Everyone told me to go get the door. I was in a semi bummy mood and did not want to get up. Why couldn't the kids get the door, they were all closer than me, right? I got up and went to get the door.

What is happening?! I was
so confused at first, but then it hit me...This weirdo at the door was
Travis! WHAAAAT?! I immediately ran into his arms and gave him the
biggest longest hug, all while sobbing from happiness! He drove from Salt Lake to Vegas to spend Christmas with me!
Now, what makes this even crazier, is that Utah got one of the worst storms over Christmas that we've seen in a couple of years. Travis left the night of Christmas Eve, and said his plan was to arrive early early Christmas morning, leave a present for me to wake up to and find him downstairs when I got up. The weather delayed his plans, which made the 6 hour drive, a 14 hour drive! He drove 14 hours in a horrible snow storm just to be with me and my family on Christmas.
How freaking lucky am I? :)
After all the shock and excitement, we just kind of hung out and talked. Turns out my family was in on it the whole time! The night before I was wondering why my mom was acting all weird texting in the corner. Well, this was why! He had convinced me that he couldn't get work off. He even made a fake schedule to bring home to me. What a snot!
After a couple hours of relaxing, we decided we needed to open presents. Obviously, I was out of the loop of everything, so I had it planned to open presents when I got home with him. But he brought everything that was already wrapped with him. Luckily I wrapped everything for him ahead of time.

(I got this before Christmas before I left)
The present I was suppose to open when I woke up was in this pretty box he put together with a little note that said Open Me, Santa. It was a super plush black robe, that I wanted, with kind of has Black Jaguar print.

He also gave me a Disney Loves Jazz CD (Disney songs turned Jazz) and Talking As Fast As I Can (From Gilmore Girls To Gilmore Girls) by Lauren Graham, also with a cute little love note in the cover <3
(the coffee mug is the one my sister gave me)

His presents from me: An illustrated version of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, a beard trimming Kit, and a little Vintage looking pencil box with a built in ruler for him to be able to take his art supplies with him anywhere.

Now, I had one big present for him that I left home for our Christmas we were suppose to do after I got back. When he showed up, my brother mentioned to me that he brought it with us incognito. It was a Acoustic Epiphone PR-150 with a sunburst finish. So it's not something you can hide in a car, so I had no idea it was even with us the whole time. He mentioned to me earlier that he was going to bring his own guitar with him.When we were leaving he had me grab his guitar case and take it to the car...but it was really Travis' guitar! I was holding it that whole time and had no idea!

Thinking I scored big and won Christmas, he said that he had 1 more present for me....What? I thought we were done...He blind folded me and took me for a walk around the house. It was making me sick, so I said, "OK, I'm getting sick, this can't go on much longer. I hate this, where am I."
(I hate the unknown).
This whole time, I for some odd reason thought I was getting a puppy because someone said it was in the backyard and then I heard a door shut. So my mind is like," I'm going to feel something fuzzy. It's a puppy!" He finally plopped me back in front of the tree with my family and they took my blindfold off.
To my surprise, I found him down on one knee, with the ring I personally picked out weeks before, and asked me to marry him! I said no.....JUST KIDDING! Of course I said yes! I have only been waiting for this moment for while! So much better than a puppy!!! Well.....they come pretty close to each other, but this wins haha :D

Driving down for Christmas was not the only thing planned by my family and him. The proposal was included in all of that! And they all managed to keep it a secret for a whole month!

(Fun Fact: He had already asked my dad permission when we were in Reno visiting them in June. It got brought up when we were in Virginia City's Silver Queen Hotel's little Chapel)
I have to give props to him, because he can never really keep anything from me and he (with the help of my family) planned this out and pulled it off! Originally, it was just suppose to be a trip to surprise my sister. But when that was brought up, it all came together in his mind and it was decided that everyone absolutely needed to go down to Vegas, not only for Christmas but for the proposal. So minus the crazy ass storm and delay, it worked out perfect!

What a Christmas! Best Christmas present I could have ever asked for and a great story to go with it.
We ended the night with a celebratory drink and lit a fire. We eventually congrigated into 2 groups, Boys outside at the fire and Girls gabbing in the kitchen. It was kind of perfect.

When we got home, we played a game of Pie Face with the kids! And we actually got my mom to participate, that's not common! She was lucky and did not get the pie in the face. I got it once and then my brother in law and Travis went head to head. It was pretty awesome.
Later that night, my brother left and headed back to Salt Lake because he had work the next morning.
We decided to stay 1 more night and leave in the morning since I was off and he didn't have work till 3PM.

We needed one last HURAH! before we left Vegas. So the 4 of us went to the Red Rock Casino, which is more of a locals casino, and went to play BINGO! I love Bingo. And I legit almost won! GRRR

The next morning came way faster than we wanted it to and we had to leave. We literally did not want to get out of bed so our plan to leave at 6 AM turned into 9 AM haha. But we made it home safely and the the weather was perfect!
2016 could not have ended any better. Thanks for a great year babe, and here's to a new one starting our lives together!
<3 <3 <3