This weekend was a great way to end February & begin March!
Feb. 28th
First we begin with a Wine & Cheese Party! We have wanted to do this for years now but it has never actually happened. First we started out with everyone bringing a wine and a cheese to
We tried our best to match them correctly but as the night went on, we decided to test everything out.
1st - We began with a Moscato and a Sweet Cheddar imported from Ireland.
This definatly ended up being the favorite of the night and the one we all kept going back to. A Moscato is a soothing and sweet tasting wine. The cheddar is a rich and tangy flavor, with a hint of sweetness. The pairing was phenomenal!
2nd - We moved onto a 2006 French Bordeaux wine paired with Havarti Cheese (my favorite cheese). A Bordeaux is a red wine that consists of charcoal, espresso roast, blackberries, blueberries, and a hint of wood. Harvarti cheese is a very creamy cheese that as it softens becomes creamier and more detectible. Normally Havarti goes well with fruits as well as Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, light-bodied Pinot Noir wine but we decided it would taste good with this wine and it did!
3rd - Pinot Grigio paired with Gouda.Pinot Grigio is a lighter-bodied white wine that is crisp, fresh, with vibrant stone fruit and floral aromas and a touch of spice. I have never had gouda not melted on a sandwich or pizza before. so this was an experience for my taste buds. It had a smokey flavor to it, kinds of like bacon. It was good but I wasn't that huge of a fan of it, let alone the pairing with the wine.
4th - Red Zweigelt paired with an Extra Sharp Cheddar that said to pair it with a white but hey! We don't follow rules right?! A Zweigelt is a classic Australian wine that is richly colored with a deep, bright core of spiced cherry and raspberry flavors. The cheese was crumbly and sharp and paired decently with the wine. What made more of a hit was pairing the Cheddar with apple slices! It always sounded weird to me but I couldn't stop eating the combination!
5th - Finally we ended the night with a Strawberry wine and Cheesecake. Some of us wanted the Moscato again so we paired that with the cake instead! Everything was delicious and it was definitely a successful night!
March 1st

This was the big bang of the weekend! Our friend Carly decided it would
be a fun idea to make signs of positivity and share it with the world.
She simply asked on Facebook, who would join her. Within an hour, there
was a community page created and an event. We told people to make signs
that said anything positive such as You are loved, You are beautiful,
believe in yourself and share it either out in public or to even take a
picture of it and share it with #Signsoflove included in the caption. We
got so many confirms for the event, we knew it was going to make an
impact. First we started the day out by going to the store with post it notes with positive sayings and putting them on cars. When we were getting out of the car, we saw an opportunity we couldn't pass up. A firetruck and ambulance pulled in and went into the store. We sat and watched them take pictures of them with big smiles on their faces as well as put them on their dashboards. Feel good moment of the day! Next we went to breakfast at Over the Counter (our favorite breakfast joint). After our meal I left one on the table :)
We all decided to meet up in the Shopko parking lot in Sugar House. While we were waiting for the rest of the group to show up, we decided to go into the store and buy window paint to promote positivity on our cars!
We even had little helper Abby writing on the cars! Teach them positivity and love young!
Once everyone got there and decked out our vehicles. we decided to head
on out to the corners of 1300 East in SugarHouse and share the love! We started out on the corner next to Taco Bell at 3:00 pm. We were all so pumped and got a lot of people giving us thumbs up and honks. Some people were even trying to take pictures of us!
Travis and Morgan decided to be crazy and go out in the middle of the road to the median. I knew this wasn't a great idea but boys will be boys right?!
At one point we did have Taco Bell call mall security on us because apparently we were turning away their we were directed to go across the street to the side walk in front of the park. We got so much positive feed back from people, it was amazing. I can only name a handful of cars that were negative.

Once we moved across the street, we got more attention for sure! We even had a cop pull up to us. First thought? Uh oh, here we go! Luckily he was a nice cop and just said they had gotten calls saying there were protesters in the middle of the road jumping into the middle of traffic. We told him that we were out there for a minute but in no way were we jumping into the middle of the street. He asked what we were doing and just wanted to make sure we were being safe about it. We thanked him for the support and for his service. He wished us luck and went on his way! So big thanks to SLCPD for your support of our cause! With that, I think I can say we all got a little more motivation! We stood out there, waving and smiling to people with our signs until about 6:30 when it got dark. With rush hour we got so many more honks and waves as well as people taking pictures. If that's not motivation, I don't know what is! By the end of the night we were all so cold but we were in great spirits and ready to plan the next event! We even saw pictures posted online of us!

One of the awesome things that happened was my brother Jeff decided to make big tarp banners with white paint with positive sayings. His plan was to go out late at night the night before and hang them on the freeway overpasses.
We actually had people ask us as they were driving by if this was us as well as people that knew people we knew posting it on Facebook. I even had my boss ask me if this was us as well when I came into work. It's amazing what a simple act of kindness can do for the world!
Positive mind, Positive Vibes, Positive Life!